Ok, so this is a bit overdue, but we just went to the doctor this week. We had a good check up. He is doing good with table food and we are starting on whole milk! She commented on the fact that he starting walking so early and said he seems to be developing normally, so that was good to hear! We started out this year with a bang to say the least. A few days before his party a mosquito decided to take up residence in his bedroom and literally feasted on him for a few days. So he went to his party looking like he had the plague! Then to make matters worse as i was cooking one night he managed to run into my legs as i was moving a pot of boiling water and i spilled a little on his shoulder! Poor Baby! It is healing fine, but i am surprised the doctor didn't call child services. So all this happened in the first two weeks of september.
Now onto this week.....Monday he had his shots. He got all of them but the MMR. I decided to wait on that one bc we have a party for him at my dad's house on Saturday and i didn't want him sick for that. Well Monday night he started running a high fever and i just thought it was from the flu shot so i started giving my tylenol regularly. The fever however stayed for 2 days over 101, so today i decided he needed to go to doctor. So we went this afternoon and found out he has his FIRST ear infection! Bless his heart-i had no idea-i just figured the fever was due to the shots! So we started our first ever antibiotics so i am hoping it will knock it out quick. The doctor seems to think since he has never taken antibiotics before they should work quickly. I hope so, i haven't been getting up at 3am since he was 2 weeks old!
Due to all this excitment the blogging has taken a back seat-i apologize to my 10 readers! Here are some new pics and hopefully i can get some party pics up soon.
Stats at 12 months:
Weight: 23lbs. 9oz.-70th percent
Head: 47cm-75th percent
Height: 31 3/4"-97th percent!!!!!
Crazy-obviously he doesn't get his height from me!
So sorry Beckett has been so sick.. September just hasn't been a good month for yall!
We won't be at Beckett's party this weekend.. Hunter has surgery tomorrow so please keep him in your prayers!
Hey Brittany
Missie text me today about our connection. I think that it is so neat. I have been IMing Daisy all day. Missie has made our stay in the NICU so much easier. Daisy is supposed to come to Jackson soon maybe I will see you then. Your son is beautiful!
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