Monday, June 21, 2010

38 weeks and counting.....

Not much to report these days.....I am still not dialated and the doctor is still going to be out of town until next Tuesday, so instead of having Lilla tomorrow like I was hoping for we are scheduled for June 30th unless of course my water breaks or I start having regular contractions. I guess it is possible bc I have been having them, but i am not counting on it-i think she is just content to stay put! I am ready though...i never thought they would let me go to 39+ weeks with a repeat section, but I was wrong i guess. Of course I want her to stay in as long as she needs too, but by this weekend if i am still pregnant I will be convinced Lilla is just already trying to test my patience:) In the meantime, I am going to enjoy my last week with only one child and really attempt to take him to do something fun-maybe to swim if i can find an abandoned pool to go too:)
I will post some nursery pics this week positive to all this is now i will have PLENTY of time to get the nursery 100% ready, right now it is at about 90%.....

Oh, and her carseat cover came in's pretty cute huh?!?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

36 week update and drumroll please.......

We went on Monday to my 36 week appointment and by we I mean myself, derek, and Beckett. The ultrasound showed that she was measuring 6lb. 10oz. and in the 70th percentile. So i guess that means she will be 8 or more pounds when she gets here! I was not dialated so Dr. T said we would just continue to see what happens on a week to week basis. I am hoping to have her the week of June 21-i will be 38 weeks then and that is when Beckett came. She did tell me that if i am not dialated she will make be wait until June 30!! I have NO intentions of carrying her that long bc I can hardly walk as it is, but we will just have to see I guess. Surely i will make some progress before then:) Beckett got to she her on the screen for the first time and he was a little shocked. He actually said "she looks strange" Nice! But after a bit he warmed up and just smiled the whole time, he was a bit concerned bc we weren't taking her home that day! I go back on Monday so we will see how that appt goes i guess, hopefully nothing major though bc my doctor is out of town!!

Now, on to what has been my most asked question of the past 4 months....What are we going to name her????? Well, after MUCH deliberation and stress we have decided she will be named....
Lilla Henson Strong
Lilla is from all the versions of Lillian that scatter our family trees-Lily, Lila, Lillis, and Lillian. Henson was my great grandmothers maiden name. So everyone is happy!! Oh, and it is pronounced Lil-la and we will not be using a double name...just sweet little Lilla!! Naming this little girl was much harder than I thought it would be but we are happy with our decision and I am getting used to calling her by name:)
And one more thing......
To Derek: happy 11 years of togetherness! 11 years ago today we became a couple! crazy how much has changed, and i love you more now than i ever thought i would:) I can't wait to see you raise a little girl....5th-10th grade will be the best days of your life:) LOVE YOU